My project is supposed to be used in different countries, so I need to make sure it can be translated.
This requires heavy use of resource strings. you can take a look at the documentation:
so I declare the string like this: rsTotal = ‘Total’;
Then I will add this to a stringlist, where I can use a “key value pair”
This typing is tedious, so I have created a code template:
All need now os set the caption on the label to rsTotal, and copy it to the clipboard.
Now typing rs^j , will do the typing for me.
Using these procedures in the onCreate event will then translate everything on the form for me:
procedure TransCaption(MyForm: TForm; rsStrings: TStringList);
i: integer;
for i := 0 to Pred(Myform.ComponentCount) do
if MyForm.Components[i] is TLabel then
(Myform.Components[i] as TLabel).Caption := chgCap((Myform.Components[i] as TLabel).Caption,rsStrings);
if MyForm.Components[i] is TAction then
(Myform.Components[i] as TAction).Caption := chgCap((Myform.Components[i] as TAction).Caption,rsStrings);
if MyForm.Components[i] is TMenuItem then
(Myform.Components[i] as TMenuItem).Caption := chgCap((Myform.Components[i] as TMenuItem).Caption,rsStrings);
if MyForm.Components[i] is TButton then
(Myform.Components[i] as TButton).Caption := chgCap((Myform.Components[i] as TButton).Caption,rsStrings);
if MyForm.Components[i] is TRadioGroup then
(Myform.Components[i] as TRadioGroup).Caption := chgCap((Myform.Components[i] as TRadioGroup).Caption,rsStrings);
if MyForm.Components[i] is TTabsheet then
(Myform.Components[i] as TTabsheet).Caption := chgCap((Myform.Components[i] as TTabsheet).Caption,rsStrings);
Function ChgCap(MyCap: TCaption; rsStrings: TStringList):TCaption;
if Copy(MyCap, 1, 2) = 'rs' then
MyCap := rsStrings.values[MyCap];
Result := MyCap;